Never Doubt That Shoes Can Change Lives

Never Doubt That Shoes Can Change Lives

From a school staff member:
Recently a student struggling with homelessness returned to school. With the help of school staff and the Room of Support, we were able to replace her only pair of shoes (flip flops) with a pair much more suitable for these colder months. She was so grateful and happy. It changed her whole attitude for the day. I’m sure she will need other things in the future but for now, this was a small step in the right direction. So, thank you for all you do! I was so grateful I could help her today and it was because of the hard work you do. Have a great weekend!
From a Network Volunteer:
Another student was volunteering in a partner school and volunteers asked if he needed shoes. He declined, but after some prodding tried on some choices. He found a pair that fit well and he really liked, and they even matched his clothes! He stood up in the shoes and got the biggest grin on his face and said, “I feel taller” and strutted around the Room of Support.
These personal stories demonstrate the huge impact we have on the well-being of students and the morale of staff in our partner schools – because of the Network, they have a quick and direct way to help their students.