
At Student Support Network, we not only work to meet students’ immediate needs but also advocate for change related to the underlying issues that cause food insecurity and poverty.

Advocacy is an essential part of the mission of the Student Support Network. We realize change happens both at the individual level and at the systemic level, so we supplement the direct assistance we provide to students with advocacy for change through policy – in the school system, local government, and beyond. 

We’d love to add your voice to our advocacy efforts! Start by visiting our Information Center to get up to speed on the rates of poverty in Baltimore County and in Network schools, how food insecurity impacts students’ ability to succeed, and more.  

Next, please consider joining our Advocacy Committee, led by Board Member Tam Lynne Kelley.

Advocacy Committee Sign-up

The Student Support Network addresses immediate and basic needs, including food, clothing, and essential school supplies. Meeting the basic needs of students is key to our mission and it is equally important for us to advocate for system changes that expand regular access to healthy food and the other basic necessities that students need to grow and thrive.