Spring Break Food Bags Were Delivered To Network Schools

Spring Break Food Bags Were Delivered To Network Schools

As BCPS prepares for Spring Break next week, our staff and volunteers have been working hard to ensure that students and their families will have food over the break. Our Founder, Laurie Taylor-Mitchell, was on site at one of our Network Schools to witness the tremendous effort by all those involved.

Laurie’s report of one Network school’s day:


“This morning I watched children arriving at Halstead Academy Elementary School for class. Nearly all of the students picked up a breakfast bag before class, handed out by welcoming and friendly school staff. The Community Eligibility Provision offering all students in BCPS breakfast and lunch at no charge, is a great success here!
We worked with school staff to bag food for the big distributions today before the Spring Break. What an operation! Thanks to the Student Support Network, the Maryland Food Bank, and Saval Foodservice, which all delivered food today, the students and families at Halstead will receive meat, milk, produce, bread, and non-perishable food for the 10 days of the Spring Break, when children do not receive meals in school.
This huge collective effort by staff and volunteers, and supported by our Network donors and staff, means hundreds of students and their families will have food over the break. Mitch Koppelman and I are standing, freezing but happy, with bags for distribution early this afternoon. Many thanks to Bryan and Stephanie and to other staff at Halstead, and to Mitch, for their work at the school to prepare for this huge event!”