Summer SNAP for Children food benefits are seeing another increase! This program provides critical food assistance during the times of the year when hunger is at its worst. Earlier this year, the County Executive announced that more than 10,000 children will receive support, up from 450, AND, just this week, he announced another big increase! Now, 28,000 children in low-income Baltimore County families will receive this support, which is shown to significantly reduce both poverty and food insecurity.
We want to thank Governor Hogan’s administration for allocating additional funds for food insecurity and County Executive Olszewski for keeping his commitment to match additional state funds that came through for Summer SNAP.
ADVOCACY MATTERS! The Network’s Advocacy Committee, led by Tam Lynne Kelley and Laurie Taylor-Mitchell, showed up at every budget hearing in the County to advocate for this cause and YOU, our volunteers, contacted your legislators. Thanks to these efforts, and those of our partners like the Baltimore County PTA and the Randallstown NAACP, we are seeing the benefits, literally, for our children!
We look forward to the day when not a single child needs to worry about having enough food to eat — the increased funding for Summer SNAP for Children, at both the county and state level, helps us to make good progress towards this goal.
To read the Baltimore County Government news release, click here.
To read the Baltimore Sun article, click here.