Woodlawn High School Network
Woodlawn High School
1801 Woodlawn Drive
Baltimore, MD 21207
Lead Volunteer: Melody Hendrickson

Woodlawn High School joined the Student Support Network in October, 2022.
Woodlawn High has students in grades 9-12. It is a Title I School. Title I is a federal program that provides financial assistance to local school systems and schools with high percentages of children living in poverty to support the academic achievement of disadvantaged students.
Close to 96% of WHS students live in poverty and WHS Principal Jernigan is very excited about what the Network can do for her students, stating: “We are thrilled to join the Student Support Network family. Thank you for providing this awesome system of support to our students. I am so excited about the possibilities this creates for our students!” We look forward to working with this team!
The lead volunteer of the Woodlawn High School Network is Melody Hendrickson, who works with School Liaison Anne Casale and school staff to fulfill student needs and stock and organize the Room of Support for students.
Woodlawn High School (Joined 2022)
Enrollment: 1,896 students
(2023-2024 school year)
1,817 students qualify for Free Meals, 95.8% of all students
607 students depend on SNAP benefits
110 students are identified as experiencing homelessness

Pictured left to right: Pupil Personnel Worker Alice Curtis, School Liaison Anne Casale, former Lead Volunteer Raechelle Rowley, Principal Jernigan, former Lead Volunteer Shanaye Harrison, and Social-Emotional Learning Teacher Harry Escarge.