Please help us welcome Dundalk High School, our 18th member school, to the Network! Dundalk is a Title 1 school with 1,961 students in grades 9-12. Over 65% of students qualify for Free Meals and are in need of basic essentials.
Dundalk High School is a state of the art school; replacing the 50 year old school, this is the third incarnation of Dundalk High. It boasts a modern gymnasium, stadium, theater, library, television studio, and cutting edge classrooms. It also shares the building/campus with Sollers Point Technical High School.
The lead volunteers of the Dundalk High School Network are Sara and Stacey, who will work with school staff to fulfill student needs and stock and organize the Room of Support.

Pictured, L to R: daughter-father duo, Lead Volunteer Sara and Principal Paul Satterfield and school counselors, Emily and Gabrielle. Lead Volunteer Stacey (not pictured)