Thank you for supporting the Network’s 2024 “A Night At The Movies”! This year’s event was a huge success!
To see photos and relive the evening’s festivities (or to see what you missed!), click here.
To enjoy the photo booth photos, click here.
Special thank-yous to our Honorary Event Chair, Robert D. Matthews, Vice President and Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Exelon, our co-chairs Jonathan Schwartz and Cathy Bevins, and all of our sponsors and attendees. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Our Sponsors!

Woman’s Club of Perry Hall
Offit Kurman Attorneys at Law

Anonymous (4)
Tom & Katherine Ritterhoff
Mary Catherine Bunting
Honorable Cathy Bevins
Laurie Taylor-Mitchell & Brackie Mitchell
Yara Cheikh & Firmin DeBrabander
Jonathan & Jennie Schwartz
Ron & Carole McDade
Michael Darenberg
Betsy and Carlton Sexton
Dr. Tom Ritter
Tim Santoni
Fran & John Holman
Chris & Ashley Semesky
Kate Fleming with Paul Palumbo
Senator Shelly Hettleman & Jeff Hettleman
Ana Maria Cardenas
Charley & Betsy Mitchell
Kathleen Causey
George F. Jones & Monica Brandes
Jan Bahner
Delegate Michele & Dr. Greg Guyton
Senator Kathy Klausmeier
Delegate Harry Bhandari
Councilman Julian Jones
Nancy Strohminger
Julie Sugar
Tiara Booker-Dwyer